Thursday, October 1, 2009

Texting and Driving: Not exactly the best combination

The U.S. government has been meeting for two days now to decide what official steps will be taken towards federally enforcing cell phone laws, as a response to the ever growing problem of people getting in accidents who are using their phones while driving, whether it be talking or texting.

In California, both of these practices are already outlawed, but that didn't stop one person from getting involved in a texting fueled collision that resulted in the deaths of 25 people. Most states in the country still have no law stating that the use of cell phones while driving is prohibited, which yeilds results such as in Boston, where one texting driver's mishap resulted in the injury of over 60 people.

Talking on the phone while driving is bad enough, but texting while driving is just ridiculous. At least if someone is talking, they are keeping their eyes on the road, but what makes texting so dangerous is that the driver has to completely take their eyes off the road and where they are going, and focus on the little screen. The U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood tells how: "This is not dissimilar to drunk driving, public awareness is not at the level it should be."

Hopefully the cell phone law meetings will result in serious changes, so more lives are not lost over such stupidity.

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