Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is the iPhone Being Thrust Aside by Androids?

Even though it has absolutely dominated the marketplace for smartphones and other computer handheld devices with the iPhone, Apple is about to be facing some serious competition with the rise of other companies, headed by Google, as the Android, basically an iPhone but with more versatility as opposed to being the same rigid structure and controlled way of going about business as an iPhone, is gaining ground.

Joe Wilcox, a tech researcher, predicts that
"Put another way: iPhone is to Android -- and somewhat Symbian OS -- handsets as Macintosh was to the DOS/Windows PC in the 1980s and 1990s."
And that the android will be likely to overtake iPhone sales, even with spiffy new colors and such by 2012. Pretty far away, but this doesn't bode well for Apple, although who really knows what will be the new gadget to have in 2012.

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