Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama's 'New Chapter' seems like a good idea, but will it actually happen?

Obama addressed the United Nations today, challenging the leaders of the 192 participating nations to work together to move into a new era, and assuring the various presidents and prime ministers that his term will not yield similar results to that of George W. Bush.

But will it actually happen? Obama told the UN how America will be moving towards nuclear disarmament, that we will be 'going green,' that we will help to solve world health epidemics like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, and that we will not continue our attempts at nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is a lot to promise, and although Obama's plan for the future is a bright one, the possibility of it all working out any time soon is limited.

We may give up some of our nukes, but it will be an extremely small percentage out of our massive arsenal of American might. We also may start going more green, with more fuel efficient cars and such, but first regulations need to be set on gas mileage for cars, which will not be happening very soon either. We are also way too deeply imbued in the Middle East to simply just pull out and let the countries run themselves, and if we ever do fully pull all of our troops out of the Middle East, it is not going to be for a long, long, time.

Obama's vision of a 'New Chapter' in the way of the world is a bright and happy one, but one that is going to take a while to get to, if it even all ends up happening.

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