Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Care Smackdown

Although the missile crisis in Iran has taken precedence in our nation's politics, the health care debate still raged on, and was put to a momentary end this evening when the democratic plan was outvoted, mainly because of the cost of the bill, and how far it will put the economy in debt.

Costly or not, it is vital that this health care plan gets passed, because not only do too many Americans not pay for health care, and have no way of funding any sort of medical treatment, the prices of private health care are ridiculous, and the number of people who can afford private health care will continue to drop, leaving more and more people in the dark, unless a public option or government funded health care is provided.

For the democrats to pull off this decisive victory, they are going to need to get 60 out of 100 votes in their favor from the Senate, not an easy feat. But first it must get out of the committees who decide whether or not it is worth voting on, and currently the democrats are behind with a loss of 13-10.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Floating Wind Farms??

Germany has approved a massive plan to block off special zones offshore for wind farms. Interesting place to put them, but there is the some genius of it not blemishing the landscape on land, and the proposed project will generate enough power to function over 8 million homes.

Yet another example of how the rest of the world is moving forward towards an energy efficient future while us here in the good old US of A continue to sit back and run on dwindling oil supplies.

Sometimes its just flat out embarrassing to see how far behind we really are in situations such as Germany's offshore wind farms.

College Aid Now in the Hands of the Feds

The House of Representatives voted a couple weeks ago to put the control in who gets what and how much in aid to go to college from private lenders to the government, knocking out potential corrupt lenders from getting to pick and choose, and making the system judged by no few people, but by a large amount of people, while simultaneously opening up the possibility for more aid, as the government will now be putting more funds into the process.

This is an element of Obama's plan for the future of America that has worked, and will work quite well, that most everyone has agreed on, the house vote resulting in a 253-171 victory for the bill. This new way of going about things will take the weight off of taxes for loan subsidies and will open up the portal for money to be spent on other programs, hopefully including K-12 programs.

This new change truly is a step in the right direction from Obama's vision for a better America.

Government Hate hits a new low...

Earlier this September, a Kentucky man attempting to simply make more money by doubling as a census worker was hanged, after being labeled by an unknown suspect as a 'fed.'

Incidents protesting the law have been somewhat regular in southeastern Kentucky, and general disobeying of the law has become a growing problem. The horrible thing about this is not that people have a problem with the government, but that innocent lives are being lost as a result of this anger. This type of extremist behavior is exactly what our country doesn't need, and especially when it is over something as little as a census counting.

This event has opened the eyes of many to how out of touch some people in America really still are, that even though we are one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, we still have people so out there that would do something as horrific as this.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama's 'New Chapter' seems like a good idea, but will it actually happen?

Obama addressed the United Nations today, challenging the leaders of the 192 participating nations to work together to move into a new era, and assuring the various presidents and prime ministers that his term will not yield similar results to that of George W. Bush.

But will it actually happen? Obama told the UN how America will be moving towards nuclear disarmament, that we will be 'going green,' that we will help to solve world health epidemics like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, and that we will not continue our attempts at nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is a lot to promise, and although Obama's plan for the future is a bright one, the possibility of it all working out any time soon is limited.

We may give up some of our nukes, but it will be an extremely small percentage out of our massive arsenal of American might. We also may start going more green, with more fuel efficient cars and such, but first regulations need to be set on gas mileage for cars, which will not be happening very soon either. We are also way too deeply imbued in the Middle East to simply just pull out and let the countries run themselves, and if we ever do fully pull all of our troops out of the Middle East, it is not going to be for a long, long, time.

Obama's vision of a 'New Chapter' in the way of the world is a bright and happy one, but one that is going to take a while to get to, if it even all ends up happening.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A nice, warm welcome back for the President...

They kicked him out once, but now he's back, and the Honduran people sure are rolling out the welcome wagon for ousted Honduran President Manuel Helaya

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gas Prices High in California? Try Denmark...

According to a CNN study 2 years ago, the price of oil in Denmark had reached a high of $9 a gallon for premium gas.

9 dollars. Think of that. It was a huge deal when we in the U.S. broke the $3 barrier, and that is generally where we are now, but try paying triple that per gallon. How do they do it? Denmark has almost completely switched to energy efficient ways of life, and doesn't rely on fossil fuels as a source of energy.

The craziest part of the whole situation is, the country has an unemployment rate of 1.8%, and it's economy is thriving.

Here in the United States, the 'most advanced country in the world,' we have fallen seriously behind. We are pushing towards impending doom with our reliance on fossil fuels, and if people will not change on their own, then the government needs to start initiating reforms, and putting taxes on oil, to give the nation the push it needs to move towards the energy efficient country we need to be.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prices Raise as the Dollar Falls

As the value of the U.S. dollar has taken another drop recently, prices of gold, oil, and stocks increase in price:

Although it is good that stocks our are rising, the reason is due to the falling of the dollar in value, which is clearly quite bad. What will happen next?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

G-20 Agrees to Lower Bonuses Being Given to Banks

This is a step in the right direction to help keep corrupt banks from using government money for their own personal gains.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

American babies are weighing down the world

A study by the Wall Street Journal shows that even with energy saving lifestyles of some Americans, having one less baby is an infinitely more effective way to save our planet.