Thursday, December 10, 2009

Possible North Korean Nuclear Talks, Possible But Not Likely

This week the United States has returned an ambassador to North Korea in an attempt to restart an exchange of nuclear talks that North Korea previously halted connection with last year. The U.S. hopes, along with the rest of the world, that North Korea will not continue taking its radical stance on its nuclear policy, as North Korea continues to run active missile tests, none of which the Obama administration have responded to.

With this new strategy of 'keeping it cool,' the U.S. hopes to show North Korea that we are ready for some solid and legitimate talks that will benefit both countries, and not continue going on in a state of constant uncertainty. If the U.S. is able to engage in these talks with North Korea, this could result in a pivotal point that could help bring us to a one day nuclear free world.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Iranian Student Protestors Getting Rough Treatment

Iranian Students in Tehran who are protesting their dictatorship of a government aren't exactly being treated as lightly as those protesting the UC fee raises. Reports of tear gas, batons, and stun guns all being used on the protesters of the government don't exactly help the Iranian public's view of their government, which has a shaky enough amount of public support as it is.

The Iran government responded quickly and completely to the threat the protesters had on the government, working hard to disperse them in any way possible, along with shutting down the local mobile phone networks in order to block communication between the students, in an effort to stop the protests.

Bad DNA Reason for Obesity?

A recent British research study found out that certain children are missing portions of their DNA that cause them to overeat become extremely obese at a very young age. This interesting new development may cause many young obese children to find an excuse for their excess weight, however the study conducted determined that less than 1% of the some 300 children tested, all about 220 pounds at age 10, had this condition.

Although there are the few rare cases where obese children have a genetic excuse, most of the time the only thing to blame is the unfortunate lifestyle of the world's weighty adolescents.

Commercial Spaceflight?

Virgin Galactic is soon to release its 'SpaceShipTwo' aircraft that will allow the sensation of zero gravity and actually being in space to be available for anyone. That is, anyone who is willing to shell out a serious amount of cash.

Still, this new development is an interesting one, and could be a step into the future of spaceflight, possibly changing space as not simply being somewhere you have to be an astronaut to go, quite possibly opening up the possibilities of all kinds of things as we move forward.

Mental Health Break

Senate to Start Abortion Debate Tuesday

On December 8th, the Senate will officially open up the issue of whether or not abortion should be an addition into the nationalized Health Care bill. Previously all of the issues with the bill have been primarily about money issues, or at least issues that aren't too highly debated over.

This will change tomorrow, and the fate of the entire bill may be decided if the issue of abortion is not handled correctly by the Senate. The age old debate over abortion is still a very touchy issue for many in Washington, and the thought of government sponsored abortions is terrible to many.

This is yet another hurdle that the health care bill must get over, but the fact that this new issue is being brought up does mean that the bill is moving forward. However, like all great reforms, passing the Health Care bill is going to take some time.

MIT Grad's Shocks Make Cars More Efficient

After learning that only 20% of the fuel used in cars actual goes towards propelling the car forward, three M.I.T. students went to work on thinking up new ways to make cars more fuel efficient and thought up the idea of using the energy of movement provided by shocks on cars to go towards moving the car.

The three students are most likely in for a windfall when this idea hits the mainstream markets, all cars will be sporting these revolutionary shocks, and their ideas are already being greatly considered by the military and companies such as Wal-Mart.

Ideas such as these are really the ones that are going to continue to push towards a greener world.

Continued Bombings in Pakistan by Taliban

As the Pakistani forces continue to press onward towards a Taliban stronghold in an effort to eliminate the extremist terror group, attacks on security forces and the general public have increased, pushing the death toll up over 400 as a result of these continued bombings. Just this Monday, a suicide bomber attacked the city of Lahore, killing 10 people, followed by two bombs exploding in the heart of a busy Lahore marketplace, resulting in the deaths of 34 people.

The Taliban is hoping to use these random attacks of public places to terrorize the Pakistani government into calling off the offensive on the extremist group, but for now the Pakistanis are holding strong, pushing onwards towards eradicating the Taliban.

New Deal Brings Troops Back from Iraq, but to where?

In a recent meeting of the Iraqi parliament, an agreement was reached between the Iraqi and United States government to plan to have basically all of the U.S's some 100,000 troops currently occupied in Iraq out, leaving the security and way of running the Middle Eastern country to itself.

This seems like a great idea, but it still leaves the itching question: where will these troops end up? With Obama's new decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, will these troops even be coming home, or will they simply be stopping by and going back out overseas to another Middle Eastern country?

U.S. Energy Ideas are Good, but Where Will We Get the Money?

As the global warming climate meetings in Copenhagen take place for two weeks, many new and innovative ideas have been brought to the table by the United States of ways we can have our country 'go green.'

From new types of solar panels to building more clean coal and nuclear power plants, our country has a good amount of ideas, but the one pressing issue that continues to stop reforms from actually taking place is the fact that we don't have the money. With our national debt constantly increasing, and simply the amount of money it takes to keep up and running our government programs, many of these ideas, as good as they are, will not be put into effect anytime soon.

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Bill May Allow U.S. Tourists to go to Cuba

A new bill that is being run through Congress may lift the restriction on U.S. citizens to visit Cuba. Cuban citizens are excited for this possible change in the current state of affairs. Currently Cuba's economy is seriously lacking, and this change could spark the economic revolution the communist state needs, along with allowing Americans to see how things actually are in Cuba.

The Cubans are most definitely for this new possibility.