A National Geographic article hits the nail on the head in telling the dangers of urbanization.
But will this knowledge really change anything?
And largely unseen in the crush of students trying to get a college education in the era of budget cuts were those, like Shaun Wong, who were so frustrated that they simply quit.
"I got, like, zero classes, and it wasn't worth staying," said Wong, a would-be sophomore who loves history but has just withdrawn from S.F. State. "By the time it was my turn to register, about the only classes left were, like, fourth-semester Arabic and modern Greek. I need to take second-semester English." Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/08/26/MN3119DIR3.DTL#ixzz0PQHVGFRY"
College is supposed to prepare students for the real world, and that it does at colleges around the nation, as the harsh realities of the economy are realized by an increasing number of students who get into college, but not the classes they need.